Camera Ready Submission
Full paper accepted authors should submit their full paper as a .pdf and .doc(or .docx) at the conference website by November 17, 2021. Please submit the final manuscript for publication revised according to the feedback.
Accepted papers of APIST 2021 will be published in the conference proceedings, which is to be submitted for Ei Compendex and Scopus index database.
Additionally, Selected high-quality full papers will be invited to a special edition of the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences (IJASS), indexed in SCIE.
- Paper review feedback to authors : October 7, 2021
- Early-bird registration : October 15, 2021
- Submit presentation materials. : October 29, 2021
- Submission of final Camera Ready full papers : November 17, 2021
- Regular registration : November 9, 2021
- (Optional) Paper submission due for IJASS Special Issue : December 19, 2021
▶ The IJASS selection paper will be contacted individually by the secretariat.
In order to publish in the EI Compendex and Scopus index database, all four documents below must be submitted.
1. Camera ready word file APISAT2021 Full Paper Template
2. Camera ready PDF file
3. English Proof-read Confirmation English Proof-read Confirmation Sample
(Authors other than English-speaking countries must submit English Proof-read Confirmation through specialized institutions)
4. Contributor agreement (LNEE) Contributor agreement (LNEE) Template
– The paper selected for IJASS publication will be contacted individually by the secretariat.
All of full papers presented in the symposium will be included in the proceeding of APISAT2021. Accepted papers of APIST 2021 will be published in the conference proceedings, which is to be submitted for EI Compendex and Scopus index database. Additionally, selected high-quality full papers will be invited to a special edition of the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences (IJASS) indexed in SCIE. If you don’t want to apply for indexing, select Presentation Only.
The papers selected as candidates for IJASS publication are as follows and will be individually guided by the secretariat.
- P00058 Linear pseudospectral entry guidance algorithm using differential flat output for high lift-to-drag ratio entry vehicle
- P00062 Concept Study on New Heavy Rocket with Ejector Rocket Engines
- P00091 Enabling Low-cost Directional Communication by Nadir Pointing using Passive Magnetic Stabilization
- P00093 Flow structure developed in the laminar separated region on the airfoil with actively deflected trailing-edge flap
- P00097 Aeroservoelastic characteristics of corrugated morphing structures
- P00116 Experimental Investigations on Aerodynamic and Psychoacoustic Characteristics of Loop-Type Propeller
- P00128 Studies on a New Estimation Method for Pitching Moment Nonlinearities of Cranked Arrow Wing at Low Speed
- P00152 Numerical and experimental study on three-dimensional boundary layer transition induced by the isolated cylindrical roughness elements
- P00155 Effects of RANS Turbulence Models on Aerodynamics of Slender-Bodied Launch Vehicles with Protuberance
- P00165 An investigation on equivalence technique for thin-walled panel with acoustic loading and foundation excitation based on pseudo-excitation method
- P00171 Optimal Policy of Pitch-Hold Phase for Mine Detection of UAV Based on Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
- P00172 Correction Technique of Inertial Force and Moment in Direct Force Measuring Test of Dynamic Aerodynamic Performance of Airfoil
- P00180 The research of Correlationship and Critical Ice Shape Acquisition in CIRA-IWT Icing Wind Tunnel
- P00183 Review of the More Electric Engines For Civil Aircraft
- P00223 Integrated Optimal Guidance for Reentry and Landing of a VTVL Rocket Using Multi-phase Pseudo-spectral Convex Optimization
- P00243 Deep learned surrogate model based on a data-driven model reduction for microstructure composites
- P00248 Legendre Pseudo-Spectral Method for Missile Trajectory Optimization with Free-final-time
- P00256 Design and analysis of micro- vibration isolation system for digital image correlation (DIC) system camera-based structural health monitoring
- P00269 Ascent Guidance Trajectory Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithm Considering the Combination of Engine Gimbal and Aerodynamic Control
- P00375 Optimal Water-Air Ratio and Initial Pressure of Water-Jet Rocket Engine to Obtain Maximum Altitude
- P00398 Study on Spray Characteristics of Simulant Gel in Pressure Swirl Injector
- P00421 Reliable Attitude Estimation for CubeSat with Approximate Body Rates from Magnetometer Measurements